Important information and resources
Here’s the ultimate checklist when preparing for an international trip - based on our experience!
Confirm pet boarding in advance
Register yourself as out-of-country with the government here
Speak to your doctor or pharmacist in advance about any medication you may need that could run out on the trip
Request an official transcript for your medication list to keep with you at all times (and remember when packing for the trip - keep your medication with you in your carry-on in the original bottle - NO weekly pill organizers)
Consult a travel clinic for any potential vaccinations they suggest (most likely Dukoral for travellers diarrhea and Typhoid and Yellow Fever vaccines)
Make copies of your drivers license, health card and passport photos to keep just in case (cell phone photos work for drivers license and health card but we suggest a photocopy for the passport)
Get travel insurance for the trip - we recommend the Goose Insurance App
Any carry-on liquids must be stored in a clear, resealable 1-litre bag
If bringing any specialized medical devices (ie. CPAP machines) - contact the airline to see what the best procedure for travelling with one
International travel and long-haul flights are no joke! Here’s some products that we use that have helped make our voyages run smoothly. All items are available on Amazon Canada and are linked below!
The flight:Organization: